Morning Routine

Build The Perfect Morning Routine With These 6 Key Elements

What if you could create a perfect day? Where you are productive, energized, and ‘in the zone’ when it comes to any and all work you need to get done?

I’m having one of those days today, and I had one yesterday too. And it’s not because of some miracle designer drug like out of the movie limitless; it doesn’t require some special ability that other people don’t have, no, to have a day like this. It just takes routine and that starts with a great morning routine.

Make perfect days a habit by developing a morning routine that gets your days started on the right foot.

Instead of just letting your early mornings go to waste while you fumble around trying to figure out what to do first, only getting the hang of it by lunchtime then being too tired to do anything after 5 pm, take control of your day from the moment you open your eyes with a powerful morning routine.

What are the essential elements of a perfect morning routine?

1. Become an Early Riser

For starters, just waking up earlier can make all the difference in how your day plays out. By starting early, you can get a handle on your day before your competition has even woken up.

It may take some time for you to get used to the earlier alarm, but you might come to discover it’s a superb method for you to get more done.

And once you start knocking things off your to-do-list, that sense of accomplishment will power your forward throughout the rest of the day, leading you to be able to get more done and be more productive at work, at home, and anywhere else that your energy is needed.

2. Create a To-Do-List For The Day

Having an idea of what top goals you wish to complete every day can keep you inspired and focused. There are basically two schools of thought on how best to create a daily to-do list;

Some people think that starting with the biggest, most difficult stuff and getting that out of the way first is the best way to get a lot done. In contrast, others argue that starting with small and easy tasks is better because it allows you to build up some momentum to carry you on to those bigger tasks.

It might be a good idea to experiment with each of these and see which option works best for you, getting the hardest stuff out of the way first or knocking off some easy tasks to get the momentum of accomplishments on your side.

On each daily to-do-list adds a section at the bottom where you re-write out your BIG monthly and yearly goals – this will help remind you why you’re doing all the stuff you are doing.

It is important not to lose sight of the bigger picture because you may not be able to get stuff done if you do.

3. Exercise

Exercise improved mood, boosts your blood circulation and wakes you up better than a cold shower. Try to make time for a solid 20 minutes of exercise each morning. That might be simple stretching in your bedroom, a 20 minutes jog, or lifting weights, but regardless of what you decide to do, an exercise session in the morning can be a secret weapon in being productive throughout the rest of your day.

Check out this Ten-Minute Morning Exercise Routine.

How does exercise make you extra efficient throughout the day and at work?

You’ll be stunned at how much your state of mind enhances after a bit of moving around. A good mood produces a far better and more effective workday.

4. Do Something You Love

Finding the time to do something you love should also belong as an essential part of every morning routine. This could be something as simple as having a mug of your preferred tea or spending 15 minutes reading a book you love or spending time listening to your favorite mood-boosting music.

Taking a little me time is a great way to get you in a much better mood and also do something enjoyable before getting started on your work for the day. It can also leave you feeling more motivated for the day’s journey.

Avoid doing things that make your upset; whether that is reading the news or checking Twitter, a perfect day rarely includes becoming outraged over some news story designed to grab your attention.

5. Exercise Positive Self-Talk

Nobody is superman or superwoman, and it’s not possible to be everything to everyone. But you can at least practice being the hero your need. Instead of coming down on yourself about every little thing you do wrong as you push yourself into a worse and worse mood, try to control your thoughts and focus on the positive ones.

Focus on what you can do and also what you do accomplish. You’ll be impressed at exactly how a favorable perspective and outlook can carry on to various other aspects of your life experience.

6. Develop a New Skill or Increase Your Knowledge

Take some time every morning to develop a new skill or increase your knowledge of an existing one. This can be practicing the piano, learning a new language, reading investing books, or working on developing a side-hustle to increase your monthly income.

This doesn’t have to be time-consuming, depending on which skill you’re working on improving many of these things can be done while commuting (listening to audio books, or language learning tapes, etc.) or over breakfast (casually reading while eating.)

The important thing is to start the day with an element of self-improvement to get you started on the right foot.

Final Thoughts on Creating a Perfect Morning Routine

You can make positive modifications so that you have much better early mornings and workdays. You can get even more done and feel better about the work that you do by following a morning routine that includes these 6 key elements.

Morgan Hewitt

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